thankks , haha =DD
Senin, 02 November 2009|00.22
boii this day is soo long .. well , that's cause my runny nose that been bugging me all dayy ! wish , I can hav a new nose .. no , no .. not plastic surgery i meannt !
so , I liked this boi .. just call himm .. ' MR ' he's tall , not so cute , but I lyke him .. her personality justt ,, fits into me .. don't knw how to describe it .. wkwk .
hmm . not sure if I lyke him though , just interested . well , cause I doubt he doesn't lyke me . I'm just a korean-holic , with a runny nose , and a mushroom head . my friends even call me ' FUNGI ' as in mushroom .. the name is cute though , LOL .
what should I dooo ?? oh , i should just forget him .. done !Label: The Queen LIFE STORY
Selasa, 27 Oktober 2009|01.31
ughh . school life is gettin' horibble ! let me tell you my story ..
so , there this one girl in my class . in the beginning of the semester she's fine , and being good to me . but now , she starting to get on my nerve . wth . she talked trash about me all day .. saying bad things bout me , that's ridiculous . and she's mad , all because I like BB ?? that doesn't make sense right .
huft . a girl like that doesn't need to be in this world . she's just making this world more and more horrible ..
I wish her a horrible life ,, gud luck , v** . I don't need anything to make ur life miserable , I'll just need to wait .Label: The Queen LIFE STORY
Sabtu, 24 Oktober 2009|22.52
Hi =]] this time I will show you my new obsession ! it's ...
f(x) !!!
a new dance group by SM ENT , that I really like . their new song , lachata is so bubbly . me likey =] their members are :



and my favorite ..
Label: The Queen OBSESSION
Selasa, 20 Oktober 2009|09.01
wow , I finally watch this movie at last .
and I'm satisfied ! =]] wkwkw .
today , I went to the theater wif my bro's friends .
which are niko , daniel , c gina , k dominic .
It's sooo fun , haha .
and also the movie is really good !
because I can see all kinds of food , especially sushi , and spaghetti , hm yumm !
Did I already tell you that I'm really a food-lovers ?
I like alll kinds of food .
that's why I like that movie , wish that today I could dream bout' food !
ehh , bout the character that I liked ..
that's hard ..
but , I'll picked STEVE , the little monkey . it's soo adorablee <3> RATE ( 1-10 ) : 8.5
Label: The Queen MOVIE LOVERS
Jumat, 16 Oktober 2009|03.22
ohmaigod ! 0__0
finally , I realized .. that my cellphone is now at somebody's place . yup , it's gone .
I should be panic , but I don't .. because I know ..that my cellphone isn't goin back . either I scream or cry , it's not goin back either . so , no panic , no heart attack .
huft. really , that thief is goin to die .. all my memory are in my cellphone . and all my messages that were save , that oh-so-lovely messages ! its all gone .. I swear , if I was a newspaper publisher . tommorow headline will be , " WHERE IS VELL'S CELLPHONE ?? "
shit , that thief really knows how to steal my 2 best things in my life , isn't he ? you know , I can't live without my cellphone !! what the hell are you thinkingggg ? damn you , suckin thieff ! die !!! .. I feel like I'm the " evil step-mother " rite now .. let's stop this ..
Ah , how I wish I can either buy a new SE phone or have my phone backk ..Label: The Queen LIFE STORY
1. Epik High - WANNABE ! " love it sooo much ! , the tunes are just soo addicting . Wannabe Wannabe ! "
3. Baek Ji Young feat. Taeckyeon - Candy To My Ear " although it's like a really dance song , i like it .. especially the ' te quero ' part "
4. SNSD - Boyfriend " this song gives a girly feeling , cute song ! "
5. Big Bang - Until Whenever " there's no way , you'll never fall in love with this song . And the trans are just to sweet ! "
6. Tei - Wicked Tongue " tei's voice really touched me , really got the sad feeling of the song "
7. Park Hyo Shin - Listen " it's not really a mp3 you can download , but I just loved how he sang it "
8. Taeyeon - Can You Hear Me " i just started watching ' Bethoven Virus ' , I just like how the song fit the drama so well "
9. Dara feat. CL - Kiss " muach muach , i just wanna kiss ! haha , that sounds soo lame =__= "
10. Tiara & Supernova - Time To Love " love love it ! t-ara's & supernova's rapp gave a strong feeling to this ballad'rock song ! "
hmm . so sorry , lot of the songs are soo last-month . but I still liked them , specially the first one ! you all should really listen to it , I swear you'll be addicted . haha =]] , tq for reading !Label: The Queen WEEKLY CHARTS
Welcome everyone to my first & only blog . This is speaking ur queen & lovely mistress , ms.smile =]
Emm , you can call me as ms.smile or vell . Both of them are fine with me . Hmm 
Aigoo , I almost forgot ... Here's my " 5 QUESTIONS ABOUT THE WEBMISTRESS " starting .. NOW ! 
1. What do want your readers to call you ? ◘ ms.smile is what I want , but vell is just okayy .
2. How old are you exactly ? ◘ I'm 12 going 13 on 13 March . Ohh , I love how that sounds 13 on 13 March ! haha =D
3. What's your favorite Celebrity ? ◘ Well , Big Bang & 2NE1 is my favorite . But I also like the other kpop singers , or american singer 
4. Do you have a Facebook ? ◘ Absolutely ! It would be so over-rated if you don't have a facebook . Oops , back to the topic . You can just search me : VI VELL .
5. Where do you live ? ◘ In Jakarta , the capital city of Indonesia .
More question laterr , too much to handle for me . Make my mind ughh .. sick as I says . But , thankyousooomuchforreadingthis ! hehehe =] peace yow .Label: The Queen LIFE STORY